Wednesday, October 20, 2010

O Muse!

Let it be said, O Muse of mine,
That long have I searched for your presence
In each dusted book, and each bottle of wine
And your favor, how it evaded and left me to pine,
'Tis a long, cold winter, O Muse of mine

    But might the summer sun shine
And the birds share their song
A world without you, O Muse of mine,
Is a world in which I cannot -- undeniably -- belong

    O Muse! O the Angels in Heaven above!
What grand deed must I fulfill
That might win me your love?
O Muse! Might you hold me
And cradle my frame
Do the same with my mind
I will promise no less
Than to respond in kind

    Alas, O Muse of mine, I am foolish at best
All these wishes and requests
Would be best put to rest

    I've my life and You've yours
I'll abandon all hope 
As I've done countless times before
Turning blind eye to the sun
For, O Muse of mine, it may shine ne'er more

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